Tuesday, June 12, 2007

On Vacation

Well, I'm here in Mo bloging from the lap top at a friends house. We had a ton of fun at the resort with the S's. It was short though, and I wish we could have stayed there longer. We swam, swam and swam some more and when we weren't doing that it was TV time. We take advantage of the TV when we're on vacation because we don't have cable or satlelight and never watch it anyway. The night the S's left Dad and us girls went to the indoor pool and started making a whirl pool. We got everyone else in the pool helping us out. It was awesome. Then came the craziness. Dad did this really wacky belly-flop into the water that I can't even describe. Imagine an old man of 48 doing that. Everyone, even the people we don't know, were laughing at this.
Btw, how come I'm always the one telling about the weird or embarrassing things that happen? Maybe the other girls consider it normal and don't think twice about it. Or else they're just too embarrassed to tell about it. Who knows?
Well, after hearing so many good things about Worldview from Pris and others who went, Kezzi and I are going next year and Priscilla will probably go again too. I'm glad. It will probably be fun. And good for me too.
~I'll be back~


Sissy Kaf said...

Hey Hope, it's me! yeah, real specific! come on think! I used to dance! We have 2 more kids than ur family! anyway, hope u r having a good time in MO! J.T. (that's my older brother, in case u remeber who i am) is going to worldview academy in colorado! okay i'll quit bugging u! u probably won't figure out who i am anyway!

Hope said...

Katharine, yes I know who you are. I asked Taylor a while back and she knew. It's been a while. I think last time I saw you was @ the play.
Colorado, That's a long way to travel!
See ya around!

Sissy Kaf said...

I have been corrected by both J.T and Mom, He isn't, didn't go to worldview academy, he went to summit! Its pretty much the same thing, but don't tell J.T that! HE flew to Colorado yesterday! My mom was freaking out until she finally called at like 9pm and was told he had checked in at camp!

Anonymous said...

I used to be the belly flop champion at the local YMCA.
our swimming teacher would have us boys line up, do a little chant, and then jump as high and as hard as we could. I even won some candy.

zach caddy said...

The new profile pic is definitely an improvement. I didn't really recognize you in the old cross-eyed one.

Hope said...

Everyone else said the new one's pretty bad, but @ least it's better. Really, close up the other does'nt look like I'm cross eyed, but when I comment, anyone would assume I have mental ishues!

zach caddy said...

You need of you bringing the 80s side pony tail back! You need to use all tools available, including the internet. Pretty flippin sweet.