Thursday, May 17, 2007

Alright, Here's the Filth

Okay. I'm finnaly back blogging again. (I'm probabley saying that every time now.) Here's something I desighned for a t-shirt that I want like it. Too bad nobody makes custom shirts with your name and birth year on them. Or at least I haven't seen any. Kezzi and Priscilla both drew diferent ones like it with a different desighn. We should start some sort of buisness out of it ; ).
Well, we had another week off of dance again and getting back to it is hard work. Wed. youth went really well and this was the new youth pastor's fist time speaking there. He had a lot of good things to say. This past weekend Mom , Dad and the three youngest kids went to visit family in NC while the teenagers stayed home and partied! Well...not quite, but close to it. The first day we went to see Pirates of the Carribian 3. It's definatly the best of the three in my opinion. We were wondering if there will be a fourth or not. It's hard to tell. Anyway after that we went shopping (which happens to be a major weakness of mine : ) and blew some money. Then we went to a HiStory cast party which was a cookout with swimming and volly ball. Btw dancers, including me, can't really play! : ( It was a blast though! Then sunday, we left the house at 7:30 to perform a dance at a church. It was really hard since I'm totally not a morning person and add too the fact that we stayed up way too late. Not good. But enough bellyacheing. That whole day we spent with the family who owns the dance studio laughing and having a good time, going to their church, going to see a Marry Poppins dance recitle and seeing Pirates 3 again which took up the whole day.
Today Pris left for MO to go to the world veiw conference there. And, (I can't wait!) we'll be going there in a little over a week to a resort with the S's (most of you know who that is) and then staying with some other friends for the rest of the time.
Well, to those of you who've been nagging me to post, especially you Taylor, all you get is some boringness, so there it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've heared lots of people's oppinions about Pirates 3, but yours makes me want to see it.