Thursday, February 21, 2008


Well after the super bowl, we talked w/ our small group leaders and decided we'd keep going weather we wanted to or not, to maybe get to be friends w/ some of the girls and hopefully be a good influence. It's also easyer to know that some of them admit that their not Christians because their Christian friends aren't any different from everyone else.

We're all doing well here, and we've made it this whole winter w/ nobady getting sick, that is except for our dog Lucy. I've never heard of this happening before but it's really hilarious, because she lost her voice and can hardly even bark. At first, her bark just got really low and weird but now it just comes out as a squeak. And Luke of course has to tarrerize her and get her workd up so that she keeps trying to bark but can't. It's probably because she yiped her head off at Candace and Michael when they came. They came here this weekend for the second time since they've been married. We had fun w/ them. We surpised Candace and she at first had no idea she was comming here. Michael told her they were visiting his family, but he told her later that at the spur of the moment he decided to come see us. So she thought she was comming to surpise us. (Getting confusing?) But when they came, we acted like we weren't here and we all knew they were comming, so we pretty much scared the crap out of her. The house was totaly emty and quiet, but when Candace opened the library door were we all were, everyone screamed at once and she was so freaked out that she tried to shut the door back right away. She was like "Keep that horrible noise in there!"
Really soon after they got here we sat them down to watch the big thing around here that were CONSTANTLY quoting. It's this comidian guy Tim Hawkins's vidio 'Full Range of Motion'. (Actualy, right now Pris and Luke are quoting it.) And to be honest when I heard, he was a Chritian comedian I thought "this is probably gonna be lame" because I had seen other Christian comedians who wern't very funny to me. But oh my gosh, I sarted crying I was laughing so hard. It was a real ab workout! He does a lot of parodies of famous songs. You should check him out on you tube.

Anyway, the next day, Michael set up all his sound equitment he brought, outside on the porch. It was so loud that way down the road it could be heard. So Michael sang and played the guitar and all the neighbors could hear, then came the scarry part. They made me get my keyboard and hook it up the the system amd sing and play. It was really nerve racking knowing everyone for miles around (not really) could hear wether they wanted too or not.
Afterwards, Mom and Dad said they really want me to start taking voice from someone at a colage nearby us where they have a lot of good vioce and music teachers. I really hope I can. That would be like a dream to take voice from someone really good. I don't want to sing opera though and it seems like everyone I've known who takes voice ends up singing opera. I just want to have a natural sounding vioce thats really good. Hopefully that's possible for me.

Just a random thought: I think Winter's going way slower than usual just to spite me because I hate it so bad.
The next time I post it will probably be Winter again.
I have a very bad habbit of typing half a blog post, saving it as a draft and never finishing it to post it. Well, this time I'm posting it weather it sounds finished or not. So there.


Anonymous said...

So it sounds like the whole marriage deal is working out better now! That's awesome!

favorite quotes-
"mabey I need to start syfining the gas with my mouth"
"gun it! we'll make more!"
"well that's good, cause I was gonna have a corn flake later, and this is gonna get it nice and soggy, uhhu"
oh well.
I let like everybody borrow that dvd!

Hope said...

Yeah, the Josiah H. said he borowed it from u. That gas one's one of my favorates too. I like his devil immitation and Alexander the great part!

Priscilla said...

Helloooo out there sista... you need to blog again sometime. Heck, I'm even keeping up with mine now (kind of) and I've got way more busierness than you do!!!