Saturday, April 14, 2007

...Or not(?)~(reffering to previous post title)

Okay, I'm back. ...Yeah I know I've been pretty slack lately with blogging. It's been about 2 weeks since last post.
Anyway, all of us girls decided late one night to sleep outside on our hill without a tent, just sleeping bags. It was fun but Kezzi and Pris wimped out in the middle of the night and went back inside to sleep in their warm, dry beds. : )
A while ago we went up to the lake, and even though the water was chilly the beach felt great.
But so much for that great spring weather though. It's been record cold around here for this spring. A lot of the new leaves are wilted and discolored. It was pretty bad having to dress warm for Easter. It actually snowed briefly (very briefly) on good Friday.
However, despite the cold, I have had some time outdoors. We've been doing this really neat nature program and it's got me down by our creek some.
I was totally creeped out this morning. I found a brown recluse and luckily killed it successfully. I've found one every day for the past three days. I was proud of myself for not running to ask someone else to kill it while I let it get away. (That's typical for me.)
Dance has been going good. Just a week off after HiStory got me pretty out of shape. I've been doing more at home like I'm supposed to, and I've been pretty sore. Our recital is coming up quick. It's in May, and we just learned one piece yesterday and have others that still need to be finished. It bad for me because it takes me a while to learn the choreography. Oh well.
Well, we were gonna have a bonfire tonight with some friends, but it's been raining hard so we'll have to hang out inside. Bummer.
Kezzi's started learning the guitar and it's amazing how quick she's starting to play songs. She's been playing constantly so no wonder. It's awesome. We've been having a good time with it. Her and I have spent all day singing with her on the guitar.


zach caddy said...

Kezzi: shame for wimping out on the camping. If I can survive 30, you can do it too. Welcome to the guitar playing club. Maybe we can play together sometime. That sounds like pick-up line, but it's not, just so you know.
Our weather has been nearly identical... I don't much care for it.

Keziah Haag said...

Yeah I know I wimped out, but I've done it before by myself so I have nothing further to prove.
I am hoping to be good enough on the guitar so I won't disgrace myself by the time I see ya'll again.

Good thing you cleared that up, my Dad wanted to have a talk with you... just kidding :P!