Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm not putting a title up! I can't think of one!

Okay, it's high time I post again aint it?
A lot's happened since last time I posted.
Let's see... we did the lamest perfomance ever, Joseph and the technicolor dream coat. >:b I was glad when it was over.

C&ace got engaged!!!! Read about it at shadybrook acres and at C&ace's blog.

We went to Missouri again for the H2O. It was a ton of fun. The ride home though...ugh, we left strait from the H2O at like 12 and drove all night till 12 in the afternoon. Needless to say, after that I was thankful for my own bed!

The evening we got home, Michael proposed to Candace. And it was the weirdest proposal ever!
Again go to the other blogs and read about it.
Let's see... the other night Kezzi Pris and I went to visit w/ the Tarpleys, friends that used to go to our old church and a friend of theirs Chris. We went bowling and made fools of ourselves but had fun doing it.

Oh I'm so exited! Tuesday, I went to look at keyboards, and Mom said her and Dad agreed to buy me a really nice one!!!! So it'll come in next week and we can go and get it!! It's a Roland and it can hook up to the computer and I'll be able to do a lot w/ it. I can't wait to start messing w/ it!!

We've been having fun filthing out at our unfinished lake. ("Filthing" comes up as spelled wrong, but one day we'll have it added to the dictionary.) I just love the squishy, silky feeling mud at the bottom. There's a rope swing that's really high and so far I've been to chicken to go off it. I do like getting a running start and jumping off the edge. One night at about 9 Dad and us girls decided to go swimming in the dark. It was awesome! I rowed around in one of the kayaks getting creeped out by this one place that was hard to row away from. Then the neighbors heard us and hollered over that we were crazy. We got to do it again.

Because of last night I'm happier about dance. We danced at a church and did some really neat worship songs. Which one of them was just Pris and I doing improvisation. It was my first time and I was really scared but it worked out okay. I like dance a lot more when we're not doing worthless lame stuff like Joseph. This time we even did a few numbers from HiStory. I can't wait to do HiStory again, we'll be dong it again in November. We may be going to Alabama to do it sometime, but we don't know when yet.

(Okay I'm pretty much out of things to say but this post doen't seem complete.

So........I'll just keep talking and anoying whoever reads this by blabbering about nothing.)

I dont want it to be fall yet. I don't like cold weather. Some of the leaves are already turing yellow : (.

I can't wait til we go to the beach w/ Lori and Kenny. It'll be fun.

I love waking up to music playing. What if there was no such thing as music? What a boring depressing life. I guess God knew what He was doing and knew that I'd go crazy without it. But I guess if we never had it then we wouldn't miss it, but life wouldn't be complete.

I hate spiders and crickets. I've had to squish way to many the last few days. The door down stairs it messed up and is letting in all kinds of creeps.
Let's see, how can I end on a good note...?
Um, I know, C , no C#- yeah (Okay that was really lame! : /)
Sorry, I'm tired. I stayed up way to late.
Well...believe it or not,
~I'll be back~


Nathan L. said...

The lake sounds awesome! I still haven't even been by to see it. Did I see somewhere that you guys might not be able to finish it because of some license thing? That would stink.

sunshinegirl said...

I'm really happy for Candace!

That sounds neat that your going to go to the beach. Hope you have fun!

See ya.

P.S. I love music too! :)

Hope said...

Yeah, it's filth, we can't finish the lake because of some stupid government rule!

Hope said...

Hey Anna,
haven't seen or talked to you in a while.
How's it goin'?

Anonymous said...

Um, mud is fun and I love messing around on keybords! This one has lot's of different instruments in one right? The organ is my personal favorite!
Sambo B.

zach caddy said...

Making a fool of myself is one of my very fave activities.
Rope are THE bomb. You gotta go. You just gotta. It's easy for me to say tho, I haven't seen the thing.
I disagree on the weather. During cold weather you get to wear jeans and long sleeves all the time. Infinitely more stylish...
Man, this is one long stupid comment. My bad. And it doesn't flow well at all. And now I just keep writing making it longer and stupider...

Keziah Haag said...

Wow Zach!!! Long sleeves and jeans are more stylish??? I say this cause I care... You care WAY too much! Just kidding ;P I like fall and winter clothes better too.