Friday, February 23, 2007

Bridge to Terabithia

All of us girls (Candace, Pris, Kezzi and I) went to see Bridge to Terabithia Thursday. We don't go to see movies very often, only when there's a really good one out. This one was no exception. It was about 2 best friends who loved to play in the woods and pretend and use their imaginations. It was really moving. There was a few really sad parts and all of us cried at least once, Pris and Kezzi almost the entire time. It reminded me of how we used to play and have a blast in the woods making our forts and creating elaborate things to pretend. I wish I would have seen that movie when I was younger. It would have been so inspiring and given us a lot more ideas. It made me wish I could be 8 again and re-live all those memories of tromping around outside inventing characters and some awesome stories and almost being able to feel like I actually lived them. To bad we have to grow up so quick and no longer appreciate those things like we used to. But there's definitely a good side to growing up too. Oh well, we can't have it all (at least not at once).
Well, it's already starting to feel like the beginning of spring. I can't wait till it's actually here. I think I'm getting early spring fever. It's going to be in the 60's tomorrow & we invited some friends over for dinner & a bonfire.


tootlepip said...

Great post! I read your family blog almost daily! I linked to your post on my blog.

zach caddy said...

I think I need to see this movie.